About Us


Traditional hardwood floor sanding is typically an extremely dusty process - a dust storm in your home, and clean-up headache that feels like it will never end.
Unhealthy, carcinogenic, dangerous for children and pets. Must to move out of the house during the process.


Dustless4you offers you a cleaner, healthier, less expensive and faster choice, which virtually eliminate the dust. A new process has been developed that can create the same or similar results as a full-blown refinish, without most of the headaches. Sanding equipment has been improved by “dustless” technology. 


Dustless4you elegant waterborne finishes are extremely durable, environmentally responsible, and have no toxic fumes, so you and your pets don't have to move out of your home during refinishing.

Clear, high-build finishes won’t amber or change color over time, highlighting the true beauty and elegance of wood.


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